For whom
UniBg Students, UniBg Alumni
Business plan competition
Italian and English
All year round
Having participated in the Start Cup Competition or having a business plan at an advanced stage of development.
Maria Rosa Scarlata

Students and entrepreneurial teams that have taken part in the Start Cup Competition can benefit from Start Cup Mentoring and Networking, which covers the accreditation phase at UniBg, as well as coaching and networking of entrepreneurial teams in the pre-start phase.

Specifically, the CREO team will support the creation of contacts and partnerships with players in the local and regional innovation ecosystem. Participants will thus have the opportunity to nurture relationships with those actors who can be instrumental in supporting the start-up.

Start Cup Bergamo (which is divided into the two phases Start Cup School and Start Cup Competition) is the University of Bergamo’s project for entrepreneurial training and the development of highly innovative business ideas. The training project is realised with the scientific contribution of the University’s various Departments, coordinated by the University Research Centre CYFE (Centre for Young and Family Enterprise), with the support of the Third Mission and Territorial Relations and Education, Guidance and Placement pro-directorates, and with the technical-administrative support of the Research and Third Mission Service.

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