For whom
UniBg master students or the last two years of a UniBg single-cycle degree
Second half-year 2023/2024
No teaching prerequisites are required. Access is permitted only to those enrolled in a Master’s degree or the last two years of a single-cycle degree at the University.
Scientific Director: Mara Bergamaschi | Project manager: Mario Salerno
Course code

The health supply chain – represented by the sectors that produce, research, market, and offer health-related goods and services – is of particular economic importance in our country. Faced with the ageing of the population, this supply chain is called upon to face new challenges and opportunities: healthy ageing (growing old while maintaining one’s autonomy) and healthy longevity (longevity in a state of well-being) will, in the future, form the basis on which to develop a series of innovative services and start-ups with the assistance of ICT (Information and communication technology).

These premises underpin the essential objectives of CREO-LAB Health. 

The course is workshop-based in nature and aims to introduce issues related to health and longevity through in-depth studies on specific aspects, testimonials from companies and start-ups and group work.

Among the topics covered:

  • Industry Scenarios and Needs
  • Needs validation methodologies
  • Elements of the architecture of the health chain in which the envisaged socio-medical solutions are to be inserted

CREO-LAB Salute also offers the theoretical and application tools to conceive, analyze and implement a sustainable business idea (the final Project Work), through the development of an entrepreneurial mindset.

CREO-LAB: innovation, participation, multidisciplinarity

What is CREO-LAB?

– They are innovative, participative, and multidisciplinary workshops through which students address current socio-economic challenges to learn how to design original and effective solutions.
– These are proposals developed to enrich the study and personal pathways of students at the University of Bergamo, useful for enhancing skills in the following areas: innovation and creativity, resourcefulness, and a spirit of adaptation in the face of uncertainty, a sense of responsibility, and the ability to work in a team.
– They envisage the direct involvement of students in the challenges posed by a number of stakeholders in the area (companies, institutions, and organizations) and aim at enhancing critical analysis skills and the development of project ideas through co-creation and cross-fertilization between individuals with experience and skills gained in different contexts.
By participating in CREO-LABs, students develop an innovative, future-oriented, and opportunity-oriented mindset, as well as acquire a method to deal with professional and personal choices.
Selection is by means of a call for applications.

In azione