For whom
Corporate companies, organizations, and public bodies
Italian and English
Maria Rosa Scarlata

Companies, professionals, and public bodies can join the team of Start Cup Bergamo, the University of Bergamo’s project for entrepreneurial training and the development of highly innovative business ideas.

The opportunities for companies, professionals, and public bodies to participate in Start Cup Bergamo are diverse:

  • support the initiative with a grant,
  • become a juror and select the competing ideas,
  • become mentors for teams,
  • offer an inspirational speech,
  • become a Start Cup Summer School lecturer,
  • participate in the Start Cup Bergamo Competition post through targeted investments or partnerships,
  • participate in a community with regular annual events.

The Start Cup Bergamo project is divided into two consecutive phases: Start Cup School and Start Cup Competition. The Start Cup School provides an entrepreneurial training course, which was also developed with the contribution of the initiative’s partners, aimed at developing the business project. The Start Cup Competition, on the other hand, envisages the evaluation of business ideas by the Jury in order to identify the most deserving projects to which a contribution will be awarded during the Start Cup Bergamo final event.

In azione

If you want to join Start Cup Bergamo, don’t hesitate: