For whom
UniBg Teachers, Researchers, Post-Doc Researchers, PhD students
Italian and English
Closing days of Creo-Labs (May-June) or Start Cup Competition (September-October)
Ilaria Cascavilla

Becoming a CREO-Angel allows teachers, researchers, research fellows and PhD students to be among the jurors of the Start Cup Competition or CREO-LABs. In this way, they will have the opportunity to get to know the participants’ business ideas and get in touch with young talents, funders, and other realities of the ecosystem.

Becoming a CREO-Angel allows one to get to know nascent start-ups, as well as to engage in multidisciplinary discussions with colleagues, students, and investors.

CREO-Angel is called upon to lend their expertise to evaluate student projects and judge their value in social, cultural and economic terms, assessing their consequences and impact on the community.

In azione

If you would like to become a CREO-Angel, please indicate your availability: