CREO is a growth path conceived by the University of Bergamo for students, linking the academic world and the social fabric to promote creativity, enterprise, and innovation.

Through CREO, UniBG students, researchers and professors, investors, companies and organizations share experiences and projects that aim to design original solutions to tomorrow’s socio-economic challenges.

CREO opportunities cultivate initiative, adaptability, and a future-oriented mindset within academia and on the ground.

How CREO was born

CREO is a multidimensional program that promotes innovation, collaboration, and personal and professional growth aimed at all players in the university ecosystem: students, researchers professors, and local organizations and businesses. The initiative takes shape at the instigation of the Pro-Rectorates for Education and Third Mission, with the contribution of the University’s various departments and coordinated by the CYFE research center.

The project team

An enterprise in a virtual world is an enterprise in a world of possibilities. That’s precisely what is exciting because the industrial world, viewed positively, is never already determined. There are always many more possibilities than are imagined within the company itself.” François Michelin

Tommaso Minola, Scientific Director | Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering and Center for Young and Family Enterprise – University of Bergamo

Antonio Ferramosca, Scientific Director @ CREO-Lab Intelligenza Artificiale e Tecnologie Digitali | Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering – University of Bergamo

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Albert Einstein

Mara Bergamaschi, Scientific Director @ CREO-Lab Salute | Department of Management – University of Bergamo

You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.” C.S. Lewis

Silvana Signori, Scientific Director @ CREO-Lab Sustainability | Department of Management – University of Bergamo

“Education does not change the world. Education changes people. People change the world.” Paulo Freire

Federica Burini, Scientific Director @ CREO-Lab Tourism and Creative Industries | Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures – University of Bergamo

Make entrepreneurship your mindset.” Anonymous

Emanuela Zappella, Project Manager @ CREO-Lab Intelligenza Artificiale e Tecnologie Digitali | Center for Young and Family Enterprise – University of Bergamo

The new needs friends.” Ratatouille, Disney Pixar

Mario Salerno, Project Manager @ CREO-Lab Salute | Center for Young and Family Enterprise – University of Bergamo

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Armando Persico, Project Manager @ CREO-Lab Sustainability

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” Forrest Gump

Andrea Pozzi, Project Manager @ CREO-Lab Tourism and Creative Industries | Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures – University of Bergamo

Hesitation is defeat.” Hidetaka Miyazaki

Davide Hahn, Scientific Director @ Start Cup – Design Team CREO | Department of Management and Center for Young and Family Enterprise – University of Bergamo

Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life”. Steve Jobs

Maria Rosa Scarlata, Scientific Director @ Start Cup – Design Team CREO | Department of Management and Center for Young and Family Enterprise – University of Bergamo

“Knowledge will make you be free.” Socrates

Cristina Bettinelli, Design Team CREO | Department of Management – University of Bergamo

If you want to take a step forward, you must lose balance for a moment.” Massimo Gramellini

Mara Brumana, Design Team CREO | Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering and Center for Young and Family Enterprise – University of Bergamo

Giovanna Campopiano, Design Team | Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale, dell’Informazione e della Produzione e Center for Young and Family Enterprise - Università degli studi di Bergamo

True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.” Antoine De Saint-Euxpéry

Giovanna Campopiano, Design Team CREO | Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering and Center for Young and Family Enterprise – University of Bergamo

Create like an artist, solve like an engineer, act like an entrepreneur.” Anonymous

Ilaria Cascavilla, Design Team CREO | Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering and Center for Young and Family Enterprise – University of Bergamo

Wonder and curiosity are the driving forces behind science and discovery.” Anonymous

Zaira Cattaneo, Design Team CREO | Department of Human and Social Sciences  – University of Bergamo

Faber est suae quisque fortunae.” Sallustio

Emanuela Rondi, Design Team CREO | Department of Management – University of Bergamo

Thousands and millions of individuals work, produce and save no matter what we can come up with to annoy, hinder and discourage them. They are prompted by a natural vocation…” Luigi Einaudi

Laura Mariani, Design team | Department of Management – University of Bergamo

Μανθάνων μὴ κάμνε.” (Do not tire of learning) Temple of Apollo, Delphi

Lucio Cassia, President of the Center for Young and Family Enterprise | University of Bergamo

If you are a UniBg professor and you are willing to contribute to the design together with us…

Discover the opportunities to participate in CREO!