For whom
UniBg Students
Curricular course
Academic year 2024/2025
Students are required to possess basic knowledge of business management and organisation as well as innovation management. Some knowledge of the Economics of Technological Change may facilitate learning the main topics.
Tommaso Minola
Course code

The radical and rapid changes in new digital technologies, together with the opportunities arising from a globalized and interconnected economy, favor the creation of start-ups (i.e. new enterprises) and their role in global innovation processes. The course ‘Start-up and Digital Transformation’ offers a systemic view of the start-up phenomenon in the context of digitization.

In particular, the different entrepreneurial phenomena will be analyzed from both the individual and company perspective and students will be asked to realize a digital project for a new company based on an innovative idea.

At the end of the course, students will be able to

  • understand the fundamental elements (e.g. perspectives, actors, processes) of the ‘entrepreneurial society’;
  • analyzing in detail the value of a business idea through different perspectives (strategy, technology and marketing);
  • generate innovative ideas to tackle real challenges in real contexts through digital technologies;
  • effectively use tools to validate an innovative idea;
  • devise and design a business model for an innovative idea.

In azione