For whom
UniBg Teachers, Researchers, Post-Doc Researchers, PhD students
Italian and English
During CREO-LAB (second semester), Hackathons, and the START CUP School (June to September)
Ilaria Cascavilla

By becoming a CREO Mentor, you will be able to put your knowledge and skills at the disposal of students in the various University activities, such as CREO-Labs, the Start Cup School, and Hackathons, together with the other institutional and corporate partners involved.

Becoming a CREO-Mentor enables professors, researchers, research fellows, and PhD students to accompany entrepreneurial ideas and nascent start-ups and to engage in multidisciplinary discussions with colleagues, students, and investors in the ecosystem.

Becoming a CREO-Mentor means imagining the future and developing a vision to turn ideas into action, accompanying the students’ journey.

In azione

If you would like to become a CREO-Mentor, please indicate your availability: